The film features Paresh Rawal, Adah Sharma and Amit Sadh in the lead roles. It is the sequel to Kashyap's 2013 film Raman Raghav. The film is co-produced by Kashyap and Gauri Khan.
Principal photography on the film began on 14 September 2015 and was completed by 17 February 2016. The film's soundtrack is composed by Anand Raj Anand, with lyrics written by Amitabh Bhattacharya. The film was released on 30 August 2016.
A young man named A.K. runs away from his house and goes to a railway station. He is soon forced into marriage and lives with his in-laws who are constantly abusing him. At the same time, he falls in love with a dancer named Reema. In the beginning, he tries to escape his abusive in-laws with Reema, but they trap him and lock him up in their house.
A.K. visits an old doctor who tells him he's suffering from a psychosomatic illness. After a few days, he receives a letter from a woman, Lata, who says that she's his mother, and that he was adopted at birth. In this letter she requests that he meets her on a beach where she is spending her last days. A.K. meets her there and after meeting her, he realises that Lata is an hallucination, but still joins her for the cremation of her dead husband.
When A.K. goes back home, he tells the abusive in-laws about his mother's letter and they decide to kill him. A.K.'s father and mother soon find out and they come to help him and help him escape. During their escape, they are threatened by the in-laws and she is killed. A.K.'s father tries to defend her but is badly injured.
A.K.'s father dies, and A.K. goes back to his house and kills the in-laws. He finds Reema and they leave for Dubai to live a normal life.
In Dubai, they stay in a hotel and A.K. tells Reema to leave him and that she's just a prostitute. A.K. gets into an argument with Reema and a shootout begins. When it's over, Reema is killed and A.K. is also injured. A.K. then visits Reema's friend who explains that Reema was actually
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