Namaskaram,could I please have the English and tamil versionmy email. id. shanthi.loganathan@yahoo.comI would be very grateful if I could this version as we live abroad and there are no shops around selling this bookwith joyshanthi
2 Bold In Tamil Pdf Download
Mahesh Sir,That was so nice of you.I visited the site as you mentioned and could download promptly.Thanks for the selfless service.Needless to mention, I will enjoy bliss reading every page.RegardsMahalakshmi
Dear MaheshAs you know Scribd is not allowing free downloads for quite some time now and as this book was uploaded by Shri Ramkumaran in 2008, it is better that this is uploaded in which is also a completely free site, for all kinds of files, so that everyone can enjoy this treasure unhindered.
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara SankaraMy email id is vidyavenkats@gmail.comI tried to download it from Scribd but it expects me to have a premium membership to Scribd. Is there any other way I can get all the 7 volumes in english and/or tamil.ThanksVenkatJaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
When printing from a Windows application and the document contains TrueType fonts, users might find that the printer is using its own fonts (devicefonts) instead of the TrueType fonts and this can result in some charactersbeing printed as "empty boxes" ([]). The solution to this is to force theprinter download the TrueType fonts for printing. To do this:
So you can download the PDF files you are missing from this page. We only have full sets of the books for sale. So if you want single volumes I suggest you search from them online at the second hand books websites.
Iam highly elated to have this website open for downloads of srimadbhagvatham. It is such a great book that it absolves our sins and purifies our souls. I will be highly thankful to those who are running this website.this is called service.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji,I hav downloaded the 10th canto volume2.. I have started readin now only. I feel if someone teaches it for me I can understand and grasp the details in more detail and can get benefitted . What can I do ?
I just want to add that my previous message was about some files that were posted before these ones available now, which had too much loss of quality compared to the original high resolution files. I just now downloaded the most recent available PDFs you have made available here and they are actually rendered well and of good quality. Also 10th Canto you posted has great quality. Thank you.
Need Help? To download an image, right-click on the image and select "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As..." and then choose a location on your computer to save the image (for example, on your Desktop).
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